889 research outputs found

    La semántica de la cultura material: Andalucía ‘morizada’ y ‘desmorizada’

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    Andalusia has been always a liminal space between the West and the Orient. Since the late 18th century, the Muslim heritage of the region has been imagined, visited, and praised by foreign visitors, and remains its most well-known cultural legacy. Yet the language used in didactic panels when explaining Muslim monuments tends to refer more to its Christian past or its current use than to their Arab history and subsequent alienation under Christian rule. This article aims at analysing the logic and politics behind this use of language in two case studies, the touristic enactment of the Mosque- Cathedral of Córdoba, and La Giralda in Seville. It contextualises these monuments both in their medieval-modern past and in the present, when current Islamic terrorist attacks are fostering xenophobia, as well as the alienation of Muslim migrants and inhabitants in Andalusia, who seek to reroute their ‘European’ identity and connections by way of the Muslim history of the region.Andalucía ha sido siempre un espacio liminar entre el Oeste y el Oriente. Desde finales del siglo XVIII, el patrimonio musulmán de la región ha sido imaginado, visitado y alabado por visitantes extranjeros, y continúa siendo su legado cultural más conocido. Sin embargo, el lenguaje usado en los paneles didácticos que explican los monumentos musulmanes tiende a hacer referencia más a su pasado cristiano o a su uso actual que a su historia árabe y a su ulterior alienación bajo mandato cristiano. Este artículo se centra en analizar la lógica y la política que se esconde tras ese uso del lenguaje explorando dos casos de estudio: la Mezquita-Catedral de Córdoba y La Giralda de Sevilla. Se contextualizan los dos monumentos tanto en su pasado medieval-moderno como en el presente, cuando los ataques terroristas islámicos están fomentando la xenofobia, así como la alienación de los migrantes y habitantes musulmanes en Andalucía, quienes tratan de canalizar su identidad y conexiones “europeas” a través de la historia musulmana de la región

    Archaeology as Necessarily Political

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    Archaeology is indeed one of the whitest disciplines. In the report American Archaeologist carried out by the Society for American Archaeology (SAA), 89% of respondents identified themselves as having European ancestry, i.e. being white (Zeder 1997: 13). More recently, the 2020 Profiling the Profession report states that 97% of archaeologists in the UK are white (Aitchison et al. 2021). There are no official data for the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA), but I surmise a similar percentage of white people. There are only few initiatives whose work has been crucial to truly diversify ethnicity within the discipline, namely the Society of Black Archaeologists (SBA) and the Indigenous Archaeologist Collective (IAC) in the US and the European Society of Black and Allies Archaeologies (ESBAA)

    Tipologías y posibilidades educativas de la infografía digital

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    El desarrollo de las tecnologías de información y comunicación (TIC) y el auge de los medios ciberperiodísticos provocó que los tradicionales géneros periodísticos se vieran obligados a repensarse y proponer otras formas de presentación de la información como la infografía periodística, hoy reconocida como otro lenguaje u otra narrativa Por su complejidad, se hace necesario establecer una clasificación tipológica que permita determinar sus particularidades y aprovecharlas mejor, como objeto de aprendizaje y como propuesta informativa, en los procesos de adquisición de conocimiento.The development of information and communication technologies (ICT) and media boom led cyberjournalistic traditional journalistic genres that were forced to rethink and propose other ways of presenting information as infographics journalist, now recognized as another language or another narrative Due to its complexity, it is necessary to establish a typological classification to determine their specific and making effective use as a learning object and information as proposed in adquisition processes of knowledge

    La infografia digital, una nova forma de comunicació

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    A la societat actual és indiscutible la importància de la imatge en la transmissió d'informació. El periodisme s'ha contagiat també d'aquesta inèrcia global i aposta per una comunicació mixta, pròpia de la infografia. Esbrinar com el lector rep aquesta transmissió de coneixements, a través de la infografia digital, és l'objectiu d'aquesta tesi doctoral que ha caracteritzat les infografies en tipologies i ha realitzat entrevistes als diferents protagonistes actius i passius del procés de comunicació. Els resultats confirmen l'èxit de la infografia digital en la transmissió de coneixements a qualsevol intèrpret, tant com les formes clàssiques de comunicació.En la sociedad actual es indiscutible la importancia de la imagen en la transmisión de información. El periodismo se ha contagiado también de esta inercia global y apuesta por una comunicación mixta, propia de la infografía. Averiguar cómo el lector recibe esta transmisión de conocimientos, a través de la infografía digital, es el objetivo de esta tesis doctoral que ha caracterizado las infografías en tipologías y ha realizado entrevistas a los diferentes protagonistas activos y pasivos del proceso de comunicación. Los resultados confirman el éxito de la infografía digital en la transmisión de conocimientos a cualquier intérprete, tanto como las formas clásicas de comunicación.To find out how the reader receives the transmission of knowledge through digital infography is the aim of this PhD thesis. Infographics were characterized on typologies and the researcher conducted interviews with passive and active players of the communication process. The results confirm the success of digital infography, as well as traditional forms of communication, in the transmission of knowledge to any receptor

    De alfabetizaciones y multialfabetizaciones en la infografía digital

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    El desarrollo de la información y la comunicación (TIC) en las redacciones de los medios de comunicación, en particular la prensa; y su cada vez mayor presencia en el ciberespacio, que le permite llegar a un público universal y exclusivo, exige liderar el desarrollo de nuevos lenguajes, nuevas narrativas y nuevos géneros, como los gráficos digitales. Sin embargo, esto requiere comprensión (leer) y usar (escribir) imágenes, además de pensar y aprender haciendo uso de ellos, por esto requiere de nuevas alfabetizaciones que faciliten la apropiación de la información entre los lectores.The development of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the newsrooms of the media, particularly the press and its growing presence in cyberspace, allowing you to reach an audience universal and unique, requires lead the development of new languages, new narratives and new genres, such as infographics. However, this requires understanding (reading) and use (write) images, as well as thinking and learning by doing use them, this requires new literacies that facilitate the appropriation of information between readers

    Borderlands in the Making: deterritorialisation in South Iberia (9Th-6Th Centuries BC)

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    Durante las tres últimas décadas, numerosos/as arqueólogos/as han discutido extensamente sobre el ritual funerario original de las poblaciones del sur ibérico entre los siglos ix y vi a.c., esto es, cremación o inhumación. Este debate está además conectado con la existencia o no de complejidad social antes de la llegada fenicia, con la aparición de una élite “orientalizada” y con la adopción de nuevos objetos y prácticas por las poblaciones locales. En este artículo hago uso del concepto deleuziano de “desterritorialización” y lo asocio con el de “frontera” desarrollado por anzaldúa para interpretar la sociedad del sur ibérico. Para ello, analizo la evidencia funeraria indígena y cuestiono la división estricta entre cremación e inhumación en la región; así como examino la profundidad y significado de los cambios funerarios en las comunidades locales.Over the last three decades, there has been wide discussion among archaeologists on the origins of the funerary rituals in South Iberia between the 9th to 6th centuries BC, namely cremations or inhumations. This debate is connected with the existence of social complexity in the region prior to the Phoenician arrival, the emergence of an ‘Orientalised’ elite after contact and the adoption of new objects and practices by the local population. In this paper, the Deleuzian concept of ‘deterritorialisation’ is linked to the idea of ‘borderlands’ developed by Gloria Anzaldúa to analyse South Iberian society. In doing so, I explore indigenous funerary data and challenge the strict division between cremation and inhumation in the region, as well as examine the depth and meaning of changes in funerary rituals for local communities

    Del colonialismo y otros demonios: fenicios en el sur peninsular entre los siglos IX y VII/ VI a.C.

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    By the end of the 9th century BC, Phoenicians set up permanent settlements around the Mediterranean Basin. This study aims at discussing how European colonialism has influenced the way in which we understand Phoenician contact with native populations. Because Mediterranean archaeology has always paid more attention to the colonizers than to the relationships established with the people who lived in those territories, this paper starts with an analysis of colonial terminology to evaluate its roots and the impact of European imperialism in concepts such as “colony” and “orientalizing” period. This is followed by an examination of postcolonial views of cultural contact situations through material culture in South Iberia between the 9th-7/6th centuries BC. The paper culminates with an appraisal of the relationship between Phoenicians and the inhabitants of South Iberia, questioning Phoenician “colonialism” during that period.A finales del siglo IX a.C., los fenicios fundaron asentamientos permanentes a lo largo del Mediterráneo. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar no tanto dichos asentamientos como la influencia que ha ejercido el colonialismo europeo en el modo en el cual comprendemos el contacto fenicio con las poblaciones locales. Como la arqueología del Mediterráneo ha dedicado más atención a los colonizadores que a las relaciones establecidas con la gente que vivía en esos territorios, este artículo comienza con un análisis de la terminología colonial para evaluar sus raíces y el impacto del imperialismo europeo en conceptos como “colonia” y período “orientalizante”. Esta discusión va seguida del examen de las posturas poscoloniales sobre las situaciones de contacto cultural a través del registro arqueológico en el Sur ibérico entre los siglos IX y VII/VI a.C. Finalmente, el artículo analiza las relaciones entre los fenicios y las poblaciones locales en el mediodía peninsular, cuestionando el “colonialismo” fenicio durante ese período.

    Functional Size Measurement and Model Verification for Software Model-Driven Developments: A COSMIC-based Approach

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    Historically, software production methods and tools have a unique goal: to produce high quality software. Since the goal of Model-Driven Development (MDD) methods is no different, MDD methods have emerged to take advantage of the benefits of using conceptual models to produce high quality software. In such MDD contexts, conceptual models are used as input to automatically generate final applications. Thus, we advocate that there is a relation between the quality of the final software product and the quality of the models used to generate it. The quality of conceptual models can be influenced by many factors. In this thesis, we focus on the accuracy of the techniques used to predict the characteristics of the development process and the generated products. In terms of the prediction techniques for software development processes, it is widely accepted that knowing the functional size of applications in order to successfully apply effort models and budget models is essential. In order to evaluate the quality of generated applications, defect detection is considered to be the most suitable technique. The research goal of this thesis is to provide an accurate measurement procedure based on COSMIC for the automatic sizing of object-oriented OO-Method MDD applications. To achieve this research goal, it is necessary to accurately measure the conceptual models used in the generation of object-oriented applications. It is also very important for these models not to have defects so that the applications to be measured are correctly represented. In this thesis, we present the OOmCFP (OO-Method COSMIC Function Points) measurement procedure. This procedure makes a twofold contribution: the accurate measurement of objectoriented applications generated in MDD environments from the conceptual models involved, and the verification of conceptual models to allow the complete generation of correct final applications from the conceptual models involved. The OOmCFP procedure has been systematically designed, applied, and automated. This measurement procedure has been validated to conform to the ISO 14143 standard, the metrology concepts defined in the ISO VIM, and the accuracy of the measurements obtained according to ISO 5725. This procedure has also been validated by performing empirical studies. The results of the empirical studies demonstrate that OOmCFP can obtain accurate measures of the functional size of applications generated in MDD environments from the corresponding conceptual models.Marín Campusano, BM. (2011). Functional Size Measurement and Model Verification for Software Model-Driven Developments: A COSMIC-based Approach [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/11237Palanci

    A simple and cost-effective method for cable root detection and extension measurement in estuary wetland forests

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    This work presents the development of a low-cost method to measure the length cable roots of black mangrove (Avicennia germinans) trees to define the boundaries of central part of the anchoring root system (CPRS) without the need to fully expose root systems. The method was tested to locate and measure the length shallow woody root systems. An ultrasonic Doppler fetal monitor (UD) and a stock of steel rods (SR) were used to probe root locations without removing sediments from the surface, measure their length and estimate root-soil plate dimensions. The method was validated by comparing measurements with root lengths taken through direct measurement of excavated cable roots and from root-soil plate radii (exposed root-soil material when a tree tips over) of five up-rooted trees with stem diameters (D130) ranging between 10 and 50 cm. The mean CPRS radius estimated with the use of the Doppler was directly correlated with tree stem diameter and was not significantly different from the root-soil plate mean radius measured from up-rooted trees or from CPRS approximated by digging trenches. Our method proved to be effective and reliable in following cable roots for large amounts of trees of both black and white mangrove trees. In a period of 40 days of work, three people were capable of measuring 648 roots belonging to 81 trees, out of which 37% were found grafted to other tree roots. This simple method can be helpful in following shallow root systems with minimal impact and help map root connection networks of grafted trees